Coz Being Ageless Is Priceless

Archive for November, 2010

Telomeres: What Is It And Does It Influence Aging?

Static thumb frame of Animation of the structu...

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Besides looking at the mirror, another objective way of telling how fast a person is aging is through telomere testing. Before anything else, what are telomeres? Telomeres are sections of DNA at the end of each chromosome that serves as a cap to your genetic material. Every time a cell replicates, its telomere will become shorter. Shorter telomeres imply a shorter life span for the cell.

What effect does telomere length have on my health and wellness? Age adjusted telomere length is the best method to date to assess biological age using structural analysis of chromosomal change in the telomere. Serial evaluation of telomere length is an indicator of how rapidly one ages relative to a normal population. Therapies directed at slowing the loss of telomere length may slow aging and age-related diseases.

Does diet have any effect on telomere length and repair? An inflammatory diet, or one that increases oxidative stress will shorten telomeres faster. This would include refined carbohydrates, fast foods, processed foods, sodas, artificial sweeteners, trans fats and saturated fats. A diet with large amount and variety of antioxidants that improve oxidative defense and reduces oxidative stress will slow telomere shortening. Consumption of 10 servings of fresh and relatively uncooked fruits and vegetables , mixed fiber, monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, cold water fish and high quality vegetable proteins can prevent premature shortening. In addition, caloric restriction is advised combined with an exercise program. Fasting for 12 hours each night at least 4 days per week may also be protective.

What lifestyle modifications are likely to be helpful? One should achieve ideal body weight and body composition with low body fat (less than 22% for women and less than 16% for men). Decreasing visceral fat is very important. Regular aerobic and resistance exercise for at least one hour per day, sleeping for at least 8 hours per night, stress reduction, discontinuation of all tobacco products and bioidentical hormone therapy may decrease the rate of telomere loss.

How do you measure telomere length? The Patient Telomere Score is calculated based on white blood cells (T-lymphocytes). This is the average compared to telomere length on lymphocytes from a sample of the American population in the same age range. The higher the telomere score, the “younger” the cells. A Telomere Score that is above the average line is desirable.

What can I do to reduce my rate of telomere loss? Shorter telomeres have been associated with metabolic abnormalities, obesity, and several degenerative diseases including cancer, dementia, and cardiovascular disease. In vitro studies have shown that telomeres are highly susceptible to oxidative stress, which will shorten telomere length and enhance cellular aging. Minimizing associated risk factors that are linked to shortened telomere activity is recommended and include:

Reduce oxidative stress

Correct micronutrient deficiencies, especially vitamin D

Change sedentary lifestyle, increase physical activity

Avoid weight gain or obesity

Correct insulin resistance

Baby, You’re A Firework! The Role of Chronic Inflammation In Premature Aging

Foreign seeds can be caught anywhere, includin...

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One of the common issues associated with aging is chronic inflammation. This manifests as symptoms a lot of people are so familiar with, such as arthritis, allergies, headaches, asthma, weight gain, etc. Inflammation in general, is a natural process that protects us in certain situations. Chronic, unregulated inflammation however, could cause more harm to our selves more than we all know. It is a major factor in all chronic degenerative diseases or the aging process in general.

One of the reasons behind this surge of inflammatory disorders lies in our diet. A deficiency in omega 3 fatty acids due to the process of refining our foods, has led to this epidemic. Studies show that a person needs at least 4,000 mg. of EFAs to prevent symptoms of deficiency. In my practice, I’ve recommended 8,000 and upwards of EFAs for cardiovascular and neurological problems. I always start with dietary recommendations like the avoidance of hydrogenated oils or trans-fats. I recommend primarily a plant-based or anti-inflammatory diet. There are those people who actually do better with animal protein in their diet (small, cold-water fish; organic, free-range poultry; grass-fed beef; wild game; etc.). What this really means is that, we need to consider each person’s biochemical individuality when it comes to making dietary and supplement recommendations (even exercise recommendations, for that matter). Regarding the use of EFA’s, the key words to look for when purchasing them are “molecularly distilled” and “free of PCBs and heavy metals”. It’s best to refrigerate the bottle once it opened. More info on this in future blogs.

Scent Power: Essential Oils For Awesome Health

Chromatogram of ten essential oils coloured wi...

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Medical aromatherapy or the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, is one of the oldest forms of medicine and cosmetics known to man. According to Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese medical manuscripts, physicians and priests were using essential oils thousands of years before Christ to heal the sick. What are essential oils anyway? Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, stems, leaves, bark and roots of herbs, shrubs and trees. The extraction process is done primarily through distillation. Some of the oils that have been used since Biblical times include frankincense, myrrh and cinnamon. Modern clinical research has been confirming the medicinal properties of these oils. For instance, frankincense has been found to have superior immune stimulating properties while cinnamon has blood sugar regulating properties.

Are all essential oils equal? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. For example, the majority of the rose oils come from Bulgaria. In order to keep up with demand from the perfume or cosmetic industry, they have to produce large volumes and in the process compromise quality by using solvent extraction instead of steam distillation.

Some of the modern applications of oils include eugenol (from clove), which is used in the dental industry and thymol (from thyme) which is used as an antiseptic. For one of the best sources of essential oils, check out

Enhancing Your Bedroom Activities With Plants

Rhodiola rosea (pl. różeniec górski), habitat:...

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Yes, it’s possible! There are plants and herbs that could help improve someone’s sexual performance naturally. These are usually found in the centuries-old medical traditions of Oriental Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine. These substances work in conjunction with natural processes in the body. For instance, a man has to have an erect penis beyond foreplay and on into penetration. He also needs to sustain this erection and experience a forceful but pleasurable ejaculation. A woman on the other hand, needs to feel desire and be desired for her nipples to be aroused, her clitoris to be stimulated , and her vagina lubricated.

Among these sex enhancing plants for both sexes include Maca and Rhodiola Rosea. Men with low libido and diminished erectile function have been prescribed extracts of maca. The compounds found in maca also help both sexes obtain more frequent and powerful orgasms. Rhodiola, on the other hand is an adaptogen, a plant that helps us adapt to stress. It’s been used by the Siberians for centuries to improve strength and stamina (including sexual prowess).

For women in general, ahswagandha, catuaba and eluethero have been used to improve their sex drives (in India, the Amazon and Siberia, respectively). Ashwagandha and eleuthero, by the way, are adaptogens as well.

For men, the following plants have been used for different issues. Horny goat weed or Epimedium species has been used to restore sexual fire, treating impotence and increasing semen production. Yohimbe or nature’s Viagra, has a compound that stimulates engorged vessels within the penis and nerves of the lower spine. Then finally, there’s Panax ginseng. Researchers believe that ginseng increases nitric oxide in the penis, dilating the vessels of the corpus cavernosum.

One of the common questions I get is whether these plant compounds are safe to take. They are all usually safe to take unless a person has any allergy to the plant/plant components. A person who is taking prescription medications should always ask their health care practitioners about concomitant use of herbs and synthetic meds. In the event that they don’t know, there are resources such as PDR for Herbal Medicines, Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, and the German Commission E.

Triple Treat For Your Cell Battery

Animal mitochondrion diagram en

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A lot of people notice that the number on their scale increases as they age, even while adhering to a sensible diet and exercise regimen. This leads to so much frustration that people sometimes resort to drastic and often, unhealthy treatment measures.

What causes this “what may seem to be an unavoidable” change in metabolism? One of the reasons is the mitochondrial damage caused by free radicals. How do we restore mitochondrial function and optimal metabolism then?

By naturally supporting energy production, cellular health can be renewed and vitality achieved.

Several supplements work in concert to impact energy at the cellular level, providing wide-reaching health benefits (again, taking the right kind of supplements makes a difference).

Resveratrol, a compound found in high quantity in the skin of grapes, in red wine and in plants, like giant knotweed, is a powerful anti-aging antioxidant. Resveratrol recently gained attention because of it’s ability to enhance longevity and support healthy mitochondrial function.

One of the most effective ways to slow the pace of aging is a low calorie diet. It releases a longevity enzyme to help the body adapt- but few people can follow such a restrictive diet. Studies show that resveratrol duplicates the effects of calorie restriction and activates this enzyme without dieting! It also counters the effects of free radicals, shields your system from oxidative cell damage, speeds up cellular repair and supports a healthy heart.

Ubiquinol, the most active form of CoQ10, is the bioactive and reduced form of ubiquinone. Because ubiqiunol is very unstable outside the body and it readily converts to CoQ10, there has been no alternative to CoQ10 supplementation- until now. After more than 10 years of research, the first true ubiquinol product, UBQH, was developed using a patented stabilization process. This means that ubiquinol can go to work faster than CoQ10 alternatives! Ubiquinol works inside of the mitochondria, the “energy powerhouse” of the cell, to improve energy output.

D-ribose, a unique, simple sugar, is a necessary component for the production of cellular energy. It is present in all living cells and essential for life. Because ribose does not exist as a free standing compound in foods, it must be produced in the body from other dietary nutrients. D-ribose is clinically proven to restore cellular energy needed to promote healthy tissue function, increase exercise tolerance and improve quality of life.

Move It or Lose It

Blue yin yang

Image via Wikipedia

Exercise is one of the best anti-aging tools that people can incorporate in their lives. Some of the many benefits of exercise include raising our endorphin levels that ultimately helps prevent or relieve pain, whether it’s emotional or physical. Exercise also raises HGH (human growth hormone) secretion up to 400% which means improved body composition (more muscle mass and less body fat).
Up to a certain point, exercise could yield a myriad of benefits. There is such a thing as too much exercise, however. Overdo it, and it would cause oxidative stress and suboptimal tissue structure and function in the body. According to research done at the Cooper Aerobics Center, exercise above the threshold levels of one hundred and fifty fitness points per week or working at 80% of predicted maximum heart rate for at least five hours per week may greatly increase the production of excess free radicals. The body’s need for oxygen during exercise is thought to produce free radicals, which can result in unwanted changes to the body’s tissues and cause cells to become more susceptible to aging. That’s why it’s so important to be on a good dietary and nutritional supplement regimen when embarking on an exercise program.
Moderation is key to achieving optimal health. That means living in balance or what we call yin yang in Chinese medicine.

Love and Other Drugs

Anne Hathaway at the 81st Academy Awards

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Just saw the movie called “Love and other drugs”. I wasn’t expecting a good story line but it turned out to be a great one. Lots of interesting points in the movie. Among these includes a lesson in what happens to people with Parkinson’s disease or Parkinsonism. Basic info on Parkinson’s disease. It is a progressive neuro-degenerative disorder that affects motor skills, cognition and the autonomic nervous system as well. It is characterized by depletion of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the substancia nigra part of the brain. Initial symptoms include bradykinesia, rigidity and tremors. The simplistic approach to treatment is to prevent further depletion of dopamine (and diminish motor symptoms) using medications such as Sinemet or MAO inhibitors. What are the possible causes of PD? An obvious cause involves repeated head trauma such as seen in boxers (Muhammad Ali and Manny Pacquiao’s boxing coach). In the medical literature, there’s idiopathic PD, meaning the causes are unknown. Of course, other possible causes are not explored and these include the presence of heavy metal toxicity (mercury, arsenic, lead, aluminum), excitotoxins (chemicals such as pesticides or MSG which excite neurons to death) and oxidative stress. Anyway, I’m surprised that the movie even mentioned chelation therapy, which is the accepted form of treatment for heavy metal toxicity. Chelation therapy involves the administration of chelating agents such as EDTA, which attach to heavy metals and are then excreted through the kidneys primarily.

One other interesting point is when Anne Hathaway went to accompany seniors across the border to Canada to purchase their prescription medications. Sad but true. We’re spending more on the same medications that are sold elsewhere for less. And then another one is when Hank Azaria, who plays the doctor, confides to Jake Gyllenhaal, the erstwhile drug rep, that his job isn’t as fulfilling anymore because of HMO’s, paperwork and worry about medical malpractice lawyers just waiting to prey on him.

Anyway, the most important lesson in the movie I believe is unconditional love. We should love one another just because……

Healthy Dessert for the Holidays

Chocolate mousse with strawberries prepared us...

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Chocolate Tofu Pie


Organic chocolate chips-1 bag

Organic tofu – firm, 2 cartons

Organic soy milk- 1-2 cups

Organic whole wheat crust (or spelt)

Directions: Melt chocolate in medium heat. Stir continuously to prevent chocolate from clumping. Put 2 blocks of firm tofu in a blender and add soy milk. Blend until smooth consistency is achieved. Add melted chocolate into the mix. All this time, bake crust in oven. Pour mix into the crust and refrigerate. Add organic berries on top when ready to serve.

Cholesterol: Optimal Levels For A Healthy Life

Pastries at Bubo

Image by su-lin via Flickr

It’s always good to remind ourselves about cholesterol because of the flurry of information you get from the news on tv or the net. It seems that everybody has a strong opinion about it. Anyway, cholesterol is not all bad. In fact, it is essential for life. It’s part of our cell membranes besides being the parent molecule for all the steroid hormones in the body including cortisol, aldosterone and sex hormones. 90% of the cholesterol molecule is made in the liver from carbs (de novo synthesis) while only 10% comes pre-formed from our food. Therefore, the first step in curbing unhealthy cholesterol numbers is to cut down simple carb intake. That includes your white bread, white rice and pastries. Anyway, what’s also important is your bad cholesterol or oxidized cholesterol. What causes this is the ingestion of trans-fats or hydrogenated oils from fried foods primarily. One more thing to consider is the actual size of your cholesterol particles. The smaller the size, the more dangerous it is. Fortunately, there are labs that would actually do a more comprehensive lipid panel. One  lab also includes the following in their panel namely; C-reactive protein, homocysteine, lipoprotein-a, fibrinogen and ferritin levels. Anyway, there are a host of natural remedies that help balance cholesterol levels. These include the use of essential fatty acids, plant sterols, guggulipids, red yeast rice extract and garlic. For those people who “have to ” be on statins, I highly recommend the use of coenzyme Q 10 just to prevent the common side effects of statins such as memory loss (by interfering with pregnenolone synthesis), fatigue, and muscle aches. An integrative approach to lipid management always yields better results than just taking the medication route alone.

Oh My Zits! Clear Your Skin The Healthy Way

Acne vulgaris ill artlibre jn

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Acne, the PC word for zits, bothers people of all ages including me when I was a teenager. There’s a lot of possible causes of acne, as well as a host of treatments available. I remember during my teenage years having to see the dermatologist regularly. I would be given OTC meds such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics such as tetracycline and occasionally have some “angry” zits “popped”. No dietary advise was given at the time except for the avoidance of chocolates. Acne, especially during the teenage years, is usually due to hormonal imbalance. Although in today’s world, I would say that toxicity could also be a likely cause, similar to adult acne. In Chinese medicine, any pathologic skin condition including acne could be attributed to liver dysfunction. So, if a person sees a holistic practitioner, one of their possible recommendations would be to do a liver cleanse. The liver by the way, is one of the major detoxification organs of the body. Improve the liver’s function and skin function improves as well. Cleansing the colon could go a long way in clearing the skin too. Having a diet consisting of anti-inflammatory vegetables and fruit also helps inflammatory skin conditions. Supplements such as omega 3-fatty acids, chromium (by balancing blood sugar levels), and B complex, are just among the few things that could lead to healthier skin. Cleansing the skin with natural agents, avoiding synthetic/petroleum-based skin care products, and for women (and some men), avoiding toxic make-up could help improve the skin. Getting adequate sleep, exercise, and stress reduction are all good.