Coz Being Ageless Is Priceless

Air Supply

Love my new HEPA air purifier ...

Image by brendanlim via Flickr

If you’re thinking about the 1980’s singing group sensation, think again. I actually want to discuss about something that we rarely think about: breathing. It’s more than just an interchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide). And it better be good gas. Hey, that didn’t sound right. Anyway, I’m talking about the purity of the air we breathe. Air pollution is so bad that the incidence of asthma and allergies especially in major cities have gone up. And it’s not just outdoor air that’s bad, indoor air is supposedly worse. And for those of you frequent fliers out there, airplane air is the worst. Ever wonder why a lot of people feel tired or get sick after a plane ride? I thought that we could all blame it on jet lag but I don’t think so! According to an article published on Natural News, recirculated airplane air is toxic the way it’s created. Combine that with the low pressure when you’re high up in the sky, occasional sick passengers, synthetic fragrances and petroleum-based cleaners, then you’re in for a treat or is it a trick? So, to protect yourself especially on long flights, I recommend therapeutic-grade essential oils. Not the store bought ones though coz they’re of poor quality in general. Think about it, how could something so difficult to produce (steam distillation for most oils) be sold at very low prices unless they’re diluted or something. I recommend a blend that’s been used since the middle ages. This ancient oil blend called “Thieves” consists of lemon, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus and rosemary. Each of these oils have specific therapeutic functions but in combo, they have synergistic therapeutic properties. These oil’s chemical structures by the way, are more complicated than you think (compared to synthetic antibiotics). It’s so complicated that it’s harder for pathogens to develop a resistance against them. They practically go gaga when this happens (not to be confused with Lady Gaga). And for those doubters out there, look at the research (it’s even in PubMed). There’s a lot mentioned even in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian scroll (1555 BC) and Shen Nong’s Herbal book (3000 BC), the oldest surviving medical book in China. Cool, huh?

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